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The «Second Chance School» project sustained by Enfants du Monde in Niger is currently presented online at
You wish to extend your commitment to underprivileged children? With a legacy, you ensure that your solidarity of today continues well into the future.
On Friday, January 28th, the newspaper “Le Courrier” published a page about the socioeconomic situation of Guatemala and the schools which Enfants du Monde supports in the North of the country.
The Ministry of Health in El Salvador has started to reform the health sector based on the approach proposed by Enfants du Monde.
Since 2001, Enfants du Monde has been supporting 5 bilingual and intercultural schools in Guatemala.
Le 12 janvier 2010, un terrible tremblement de terre touchait Haïti amenant chaos et désolation. Une année s’est écoulée, mais les effets de ce séisme se font encore sentir et les activités quotidiennes n’ont pas toutes reprises.
At the end of November 2010, the cooperation between Enfants du Monde and the Ministry of Education, and the efforts of Enfants du Monde and its local partners to improve the education situation in Burkina Faso, were officially recognized.
The entire team of Enfants du Monde would like to thank you for your faithful support and wishes you a wonderful year 2011!
From December 14th 2010 to March 13th 2011, Enfants du Monde is partner of Give-me-hope.
To spend Christmas and New Year in a happy, original and social way, think of Enfants du Monde! Give a gift to underpriviledged children and to your loved ones by offering a sponsorship.
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