Giving a second chance to out-of-school children and youth
In Niger, four in ten girls and three in ten boys do not go to school. The children grown up in an often dangerous environment which prevents them from following a normal school program. 76% of girls are married before they are 18 years old, 36% of teenagers fall pregnant between 15-19 years and only 29.9% of girls are literate compared with 50.2% of boys.
Enfants du Monde is actively working in the Nigerian territory to offer a second chance to children who are out-of-school or who dropped out too early. The objective is to improve the access to and quality of their education.
Within the framework of its education program, our Swiss NGO supports ‘Second Chance Schools’ for children between 9-13 years of age in the poorest neighbourhoods of the capital Niamey, and in the Tahoua and Tillabery regions.
Enfants du Monde also works in the Alternative Community Youth Education Centres in the Dosso and Maradi regions, under mandate from the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation, in collaboration with the NGO Swisscontact.