"Here, in Guatemala, people think that country people are not very smart and they can't learn well."

Couverture du rapport annuel d'Enfants du Monde

In its annual report 2011, Enfants du Monde presents how a quality education combined with professional training allows youth to stay in their communities and help instead of emigrating.

un garçon dans une école au Niger

In Niger, only three out of ten girls and four out of ten boys go to school.


Kerstin Blidi-Schmidt has been recruited following our colleague Myriam Ernst’s decision to take a year off in order to travel.

Le généreux donateur Walo SuterA Swiss national, Walo Suter, has offered a better future to many children, to girls in particular, by making a considerable donation.

 In Guatemala, many children finish their education at primary level because the secondary school is too far away from their village.

couverture du Mond'Info

The new Mond'Info has just been published


petites filles souriant

Enfants du Monde has joined the association My Happy End.

How teacher teach in Enfants du Monde schools?

ouverture officielle de l'atelierFrom end of December to the beginning January, Enfants du Monde, coordinated an educational workshop on citizenship