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On Thursday, April 7 201, Enfants du Monde will have an information booth at the l’Office pour l’Orientation, la Formation Professionnelle et Continue (OFPC).
The children have to go to school to be able to get on with their life.
In Bangladesh, each year thousands of children lose their mothers.
End of February, the National Council approved the decision to increase the financial aid allocated to public development to a 0.5% of the gross national product by 2015.
In Niger, only 3 out of 10 girls go to school.
In January 2011, Muzahid Ali assumed the role of coordinator of Enfants du Monde in Bangladesh.
In the February 2011 newsletter, Enfants du Monde presents the daily life of a young seamstress in Niger.
At the end of 2010, Peter Arnold joined the Enfants du Monde programs committee.
Recently, the “Second Chance School” project, supported by Enfants du Monde in Niger was extended to the Tahoua region at the Sahel border.
Again, until mid-march, Enfants du Monde is partner of the Swiss shopping website Give-Me Hope.
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