
The education project in Tahoua, in the center of Niger, allows teenagers, a little or not scolarized, to follow a basic education of four years beforeto get a training with local craftsmen. 


Enfants du Monde is one of the 200 members of APRES, the Chamber of Social and Supportive Economics (ESS) in Geneva which is celebrating its fifth anniversary on Friday 18th and Saturday 19th of September 2009. 


Enfants du Monde has a new president, named Serge Chappatte, Vice-director of the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) until 2008.



Slawomir Plata from Vevey in the Vaud Swiss Canton has volunteered to take pictures of education and health projects lead by Enfants du Monde in Bangladesh. 


The Médi-Info Association is organizing a solidarity walk, in July 2009, for the benefit of Enfants du Monde. 

altThe journalist Hans Haldimann has covered the health project for mothers and newborns of Enfants du Monde in El Salvador, for the television program “Ensemble”. 


From now on, a master’s degree in the «Pedagogy of the Text», an educational approach which was elaborated by the education team of  Enfants du Monde and used in a number of educational experiences throughout the world, is offered by the public University of Antioqua, in Medellin, Colombia.


Until February 15th 2009, the cultural products shop Fnac in Basel will present a photo exhibition entitled “Through the Eyes of Childhood”, presented by the association Enfants du Monde.