health aid projects

Our ONG Enfants du Monde improves
the health of women and babies


Every day, around 830 women across the world die as a result of complications in pregnancy or childbirth, most of which could have been easily avoided. These women and their families were not aware of the risks and therefore could not make the right decision in time.

Women more aware

The health programmes of Enfants du Monde offer health education to pregnant women and their families. They learn how to take better care of themselves and their babies during pregnancy and after the birth. They are taught for example the importance of eating well throughout pregnancy and how to make sure that they and their baby stay in good health.

Healthcare workers better trained

Furthermore, our Swiss NGO helps to improve the quality of care through better and continuous training for healtcare workers. They receive training in counselling and communication so they are better able to assess the health problems of the local people and therefore provide better care.

Improved access to health care

Our health programmes also help improve access to healthcare services. We consult with local populations and together work out solutions which will help them take better care of themselves.

In the countries where we work we promote our approach which actively include local populations so that governments incorporate it in their health policies nationally.

Our NGO focuses on health and support projects in 5 countries: we provide health aid for women, mothers and babies and train healthcare workers in Bangladesh, Burkina Faso, Madagascar, Nepal and Tanzania.

sante salvador

meilleure sant
Access to health care

We facilitate access to health services.



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education sante bangladesh

mres et enfants
Health education

We provide health education courses.



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formation sante haiti

ducation qualit
Healthcare training

We train health care providers.



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Our Swiss NGO improves health of mothers and newborns.

ducation qualit
Our beneficiairies

We improve health of mothers and newborns.



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meres bangladesh

nos projets dans le monde
Our projects

We support 4 health projects across the world.



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