altIn its August 2010 information report, Enfants du Monde is presenting the situation of the children in Burkina Faso, one of the poorest countries in the world.

altEnfants du Monde has been presenting its program aiming at improving maternal and child health in Salvador on Fengarion.

altTougma Téné Sankara is the coordinator of Enfants du Monde in Burkina Faso. A Burkinabé himself, he knows the hard reality of the Sahel.

altIn Bel Air, a poor neighbourhood in Port-au-Prince, where Enfants du Monde is funding a kindergarten and a training centre for young people, the inhabitants do not give in to hopelessness.

altEnfants du Monde does not only contribute financially to its education and health programs, but also technically, particularly through the training of trainers, teachers, health carers and  staff of local partners.

altEnfants du Monde will be present as of tomorrow, July 6, at Cinélac in Geneva with an advertisement and on buses and trams in the city of Zurich with posters and postcards.

alt… for example by supporting one of our education projects!

altTime passes slowly in the village of Gancho Caoba in Guatemala. The Che family lives there with seven children – a hard life, especially since the financial crisis.

altDid you know that only 29% of girls attend school in Burkina Faso? And that only 50% of the youth know how to read and write? What kind of a future is awaiting this country and its children?

Young Reporters

 Cross-views of children on their rights


Young Reporters ("Enfants Reporters" in French) is a participatory project of the association "30 Years of Children’s Rights", currently carried out in partnership between Enfants du Monde and Terre des Hommes Suisse. It gives children the opportunity to express themselves on the rights that concern them and to offer their own perspectives to those around them.

With their presence on the field, their quill in the inkwell or
