From the beginning of this year, Enfants du Monde can count on support from BetterStudy.

We wish you all a very happy festive season!

picture by Slawomir Plata - Bangladesh The professional photographer Slawomir Plata has visited most of Enfants du Monde's projects at his own expense.

mond'info du novembre 2013

In the latest issue of Mond’Info, you will learn about the educational situation in Niger, particularly in an article by the journalist Ousmane Dambadji on Koranic schools.

Between now and 2015, Chad has committed to guaranteeing universal access to a quality education for children and to halving the number of illiterate adults.

compagnie Zappat

From 31 October to 10 November, Enfants du Monde, Compagnie Zappar and other partner associations will present a Haitian-Swiss musical comedy.


Enfants du Monde has set up a new health project in Western Haiti. The aim is to improve care for pregnant women and their babies

fille au Niger bénéficiant du projet d'éducation d'Enfants du Monde


Around the world, one in nine girls marries before the age of 15 years. The situation is even worse in Niger. Enfants du Monde gives girls a better future.

La couverture du dernier Mond'Info


In the most recent issue of Mond'Info, you will find out how Jean Dulcis Caries works as a nurse in remote areas of Haiti.


Enfants du Monde relocated.