06.29.2010 - … for example by supporting one of our education projects!

The village of Saponé is located 35 kilometres outside Ouagadougou, the capital of Burkina Faso, where Enfants du monde supports a local training programme. Since 2007 it has enabled 207 young people from Saponé and nearby villages to do an apprenticeship in fields such as knitting, mechanics, joinery, hairdressing, sculpture, building and sewing. Balkissa (13) and Mamounata (14) for example (pictured here) have secured their future thanks to a sewing apprenticeship and will have the possibility to earn a living and help their families.

At the same time, Enfants du monde finances technical and educational training for craftsmen. The designer Amado Fidèle Kaboré (pictured here) said: "I learnt how to sew new models. Moreover, the tutors showed us how to train the apprentices. So now I am able to give clear instructions to Balkissa and Mamounata."

By donating 200 Swiss francs you can finance one week’s worth of training for a new craftsman.

By donating 50 Swiss francs you can finance a business and management course for apprentices.
