07.11.2013 - Between now and 2015, Chad has committed to guaranteeing universal access to a quality education for children and to halving the number of illiterate adults. To help in this major challenge, the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) has elected to give Enfants du Monde a clear mandate to improve and expand educational opportunities and vocational training.
Rufine Samma Yeko, Enfants du Monde coordinator in Chad, explains the educational challenges in this country:
“The programme in Chad focuses on the quality of education. This is important, because, in Africa, much has been done to improve access to education but not so much to improve the quality. There are many challenges to face. For example, the issue of education for girls: the majority of people in Chad are Arab-Muslim and traditionally marry girls early. In addition, the girls have no role models because there are very few female teachers. Another challenge relates to nomadic populations and the need to establish nomad schools. Finally, issues around local languages, teachers, as well as the poor state of the infrastructure, are also key areas of work.”
Through this 10-year mandate it will be possible to improve basic education, formal and informal (including adult education), as well as vocational training.