Find out about the problems of young mothers in El Salvador as they tell their stories.

Enfants du Monde trains teachers in order to improve their skills.

The project we began in two municipalities now has nationwide coverage and is saving the lives of many mothers and babies.

You can find our projects on education, health, training and raising awareness.

Enfants du Monde supports schools in rural areas in order to offer prospects to young people.

Find out about our education projects in Bangladesh, and meet the new President of the board.

Enfants du Monde has recently begun supporting four schools in Dhaka and the training of their teachers.

Show your support, by becoming a sponsor for one of our projects

Maksuda, 11 years of age, lives in one of the 4'000 slums of Dhaka. Her family migrated from the countryside to earn a better living. Now, they only have the meagre wages of her mother, a cleaner, and her brother, an artisan, to live on. However, Maksuda is lucky, because she can go to school, unlike many other children in her neighbourhood. This means she can already be of help to her parents who can’t read or write. Later, she will be able to find a job which will help her have a better


Laurent Guye has been elected as the new president  of Enfants du Monde.