Health care12.02.2015 – By becoming a sponsor, you can support our health or education projects, or the project which needs most support depending on the year. Your involvement will make a lasting difference to disadvantaged children. Indeed, you are enabling thousands of disadvantaged children to go to school, to develop skills, to be in good health, and to build a better future for themselves, their family, and their community.

Sponsorship in short:

• You choose the theme, the amount and how often you donate;

• You can change or end your sponsorship at any time;

• All donations to Enfants du Monde are tax deductible;

• You receive a sponsorship report each year;

• You automatically become a member of our association with the right to vote at the General Assembly.

Yes, I would like to sponsor an Enfants du Monde project!

Read the 2014 sponsorship reports on our education and health projects.