Elsa, nurse in El Salvador
Enfants du Monde has been working in El Salvador since 2006 on a health program to reduce maternal and infant mortality. In the face of the intensifying COVID-19 epidemic, Enfants du Monde, with the support of the Medicor Foundation, financed the supply of protective materials – such as masks, gloves and protective glasses – for healthcare providers in El Salvador to help the Ministry of Health stop the spread of the virus.
Elsa is a nurse in the family health unit of a health centre located in Nahuizalco, in the east of El Salvador. She tells us about the impact of COVID-19 on her daily work:
Elsa (left) and Ana Ligia Molina, coordinator of Enfants du Monde's regional office in Latin America
I have been working at the family health unit in the community of Nahuizalco for 16 years, and I have experience in many services, such as maternity, adolescent service, acute respiratory infections and now my role is as a nurse in the children's ward.
The COVID-19 pandemic has had an impact on patient management, particularly with regard to physical distancing and disinfection, as well as on the length of consultation. In the child care area, we let 3 children in at a time. They are vaccinated and then checked. We strictly respect the protocols that are currently in place. 30 minutes elapse between the care of one child and another, between the consultation and the disinfection of the care zone. Only one person enters with the child, usually the mother, the father waits outside, this can be difficult for the family.
At the health unit in Nahuizalco, several health personnel were infected with COVID-19, including nurses, doctors and health promoters.
Personal protective equipment (which has been financed by Enfants du Monde) will be used by the nursing staff for care (hats, masks, goggles, overblouses). We appreciate this donation and hope to receive more.
More than ever, we count on your solidarity to help mothers-to-be and their babies in our intervention countries affected by the coronavirus pandemic.