education project in niger
Offer a second chance to out-of-school children
In Niger, four out of ten girls and three out of ten boys do not go to school. Most of the children and teenagers evolve in poor and vulnerable communities: abuse, exploitation and violence are often part of their daily lives. The teenagers and youngsters, in particular girls, have to face constraints : 76% of them are married before 18 ; 36% of teenagers aged from 15 to 19 years old have already given birth or are pregnant and 26,9%, only, are literate, against 50,2% of boys the same age.
The « Second chance schools » supported by Enfants du Monde, in close collaboration with the Nigerian Organisation of Innovative Educators (ONEN), are aimed to contribute to improve the education access and quality in Niger. They are intended to children from 9 to 13 years old who have never been to school or have dropped out of school too early, in poor districts of the capital Niamey (until 2021) as well as in Tahoua regions (until 2018) and Tillabéry.
Our impact in the field
In the most important phase of our programme, between 2017 and 2020:
- 914 children and youngsters had access to a quality primary education
- 12 teachers have been trained to an active and innovative pedagogy
- 330 students have been directed towards a secondary education and 110 students towards a vocational training
In 2021, 292 students (of wich 163 girls) have benefited from teaching offered by Second chance schools in Nimaey and Tillabéri.
Improve the teaching quality
Many factors affect the teaching quality in Niger: the teachers often merely have a partial mastery of subjects to teach and weak teaching skills; the teaching methods are based on memorisation and mechanical repetition of knowledge; the concerns of the community and local specificities are not considered in teaching which makes it irrelevant for children, parents, and the community.
As part of our education programme in Niger, teachers undertake a thorough pedagogical training which enables them to improve their lessons quality. Annual exams are being implemented to assess their progression and our team specialists accompany them in the development of innovative teaching materials.
Provide a future for children who have never been to school
In Second chance schools, children receive a quality primary education which will enable them to pursue their studies or integrate an apprenticeship and be trained to a profession. Teaching is adapted to children’s needs and realities: teachers are trained to provide courses in both French, the country’s official language, and in the students’ mother tongue (for instance, the Zarma) to ease the transition to the formal school system; children also undertake practical classes, for example sewing or agricultural classes.
The results of the pedagogical approach developed by Enfants du Monde are excellent, which allow these students to enter secondary schools in the public system.
Assessments conducted demonstrate that students from Second chance schools are more successful than their peers, attending public schools.
A special attention is paid to girls’ enrolment in schools: 50% of our schools’ students are girls. Their parents sign a written commitment to keep their daughters in school for 4 years to avoid early marriages during their schooling.
In 2010, a journalist from the Ensemble TV show, broadcast on the Radio Télévision Suisse, went to meet Zeimabou, then aged 13 years and a student from one of the Second Chance school in Niamey. Watch the video in French below:
Protecting students and teachers during the COVID-19 pandemic
In 2020 and 2021, we have closely collaborated with our local partners to provide effective support to the Ministry of Education in its national response to the epidemic: Protection kits for students, containing hand washing devices, soaps, soft fabric masks and hydroalcoholic gel, were distributed in Second chance schools that we support to enable children to safely go to school.