Ramatoulaye, a schoolgirl in niger
Ramatoulaye is an 11-year-old schoolgirl. She lives in the capital of Niger, Niamey. In this West African country, security is precarious, and the education of girls remains a sensitive topic.
9 out of 10 women over 15 years old are uneducated. Girls stay at home doing housework and early marriage is common: 75% of girls marry before the age of 18 and 36% of girls between 15 and 19 years old are mothers or pregnant. Parents cannot often, afford to educate all their children, so they prioritize boys’ education.
If I didn't go to school, I would have to stay home doing the same housework all the time. But I don't want that, I want to study, to become a doctor.
This is why Enfants du Monde, in collaboration with its local partner, ONEN – the Nigerian Organization of Innovative Educators (Organisation Nigérienne des Educateurs Novateurs), supports "second- chance schools". In the disadvantaged neighborhoods of Niamey and Tahoua, these schools provide primary education to children aged between 9 to 13 years old, prematurely out of school.
Teachers in second-chance schools are trained to deliver lessons both in French and in the children's mother tongue (e.g. Zarma). Furthermore, the educational material developed by Enfants du Monde considers the local cultural context to meet the needs of the population. Thus, children can use their knowledge in daily life. For example, students will study the different methods of purifying water from wells.
Happiness is studying, getting your degrees and doing what you love.
Enfants du Monde particularly emphasizes on girls’ education in all its education programs, because it is only by being educated that they can protect themselves from abuse and create a future.