Issa, a schoolboy in Burkina Faso


The quality of education and access to schooling are major problems in Burkina Faso. Around 50% of children are not educated. However, it is never too late to learn how to read. Thanks to Enfants du monde, 13 years old Issa*, had the chance to go to school and this changed his life.

I never went to school before, I used to look after animals from morning till night. Now I have learned how to read and write in French and Mooré, my mother tongue. I also know how to calculate.

Today Issa is 15 years old. He lives in a village located in Central-Eastern Burkina Faso. In schools supported by Enfants du Monde, education is provided in the official language and in the children's mother tongue, according to a pedagogical approach developed by Enfants du Monde and its local partners.

The courses are designed to provide a quality primary education and elucidate knowledge adapted to local needs, which will be useful for children to improve their daily lives and that of their family and community.

I watch Issa write and hear him read. He also discusses issues with us, such as desertification or malaria and even explains the causes!

Issa's father

Class schedules are also organized to take into account local realities. As such, Issa can continue helping his family with daily chores without affecting his schooling.

Since I was enrolled in school, I have never been absent. I'm so proud to go! I am the only one from my family who goes to school, I share my knowledge with my parents and brothers. I dream of becoming a teacher.

*alias in order to protect the identity of our beneficiaries

 Elève Issa au Burkina Faso

Elève Issa au Burkina Faso

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