Livraison de guides de formation en santé maternelle - El Salvador © Enfants du MondeDelivery of training guides, January 21st 2022 in El Salvador. Dr Jaime Enrique Cruz (left), medical collaborator in the first level care Direction and Ana Ligia Molina (right), regional coordinator of Enfants du Monde in Latin AmericaBetween 2006 and 2021, Enfant du Monde led in El Salvador a special health program in favour of mothers and babies. This program focused on the engagement of communities, according to the methodology of “Working with individuals, families and communities” elaborated in the context of a mandate given by the World Health Organization (WHO).

National level results

Since 2010, the positive results have led the Ministry of Health to incorporate – on all levels of the health system - the methodology of “Working with individuals, families and communities” to improve maternal, newborn and child health.

Between 2018 and 2021, Enfants du Monde has also trained 8,984 people of the Ministry of Health to this approach: medical staff, nurses and health promotion teams.

In addition to that, 41,700 pregnant women and young mothers as well as 421,000 newborn children have benefited from this health program.

Continued training through the Ministry of Health of El Salvador

Livraison de guides de formation en santé maternelle - El Salvador © Enfants du MondeIn June 2021 the health program of Enfants du Monde has come to an end, but the training of health workers still goes on thanks to 2540 training guides that Enfants du Monde has provided to the Salvadoran Ministry of Health (MISAL). These guides have been reviewed and approved by the specialists of the MISAL in 2020 and 2021.

Today, Minister of Health’s instructors use the following sources and materials, all developed by Enfants du Monde, to train healthcare workers:

  • Strategic framework guide "Working with women, individuals, families and communities to improve maternal and neonatal health".
  • Guide on counselling and communication in the management of maternal and neonatal health
  • Guide on patricipatory community assessment, participatory planning and social participation