20.01.2017 – On January 12th, The Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) had invited the Swiss nongovernmental organisations chosen for the allocation of the new contributions to their development programmes for the period 2017-2020. The contract for the financial support of Enfants du Monde health and education programmes was signed together by its Secretary General, Carlo Santarelli, and Jean-François Giovannini, a member of the board.
At this meeting in Bern, Jean-François Giovannini also took the floor and spoke on the essential actions taken by Swiss nongovernmental organisations and the relevance for them and the SDC to work together. According to the SDC, these organisations have a specific knowledge and expertise complementary to its own skills.
Since 2005, the SDC has provided financial support for the health and education programmes of Enfants du Monde. The funds are allocated over a period of four years in connection with the overall programme of the association drawn up for this period.