On April 16, a major event took place in Boussé's second basic education district in Burkina Faso. A ceremony was held at the Ritig-Koudgo school where students presented the results of the learning they received throughout the year. In this school, supported by our association, students benefit from quality bilingual education. Through tales, games and manual activities related to their environment, they acquire knowledge in French, the official language of the country, in Mooré, the local language, as well as in mathematics.

Student parents, city councilors and village council members wouldn't have missed this event, and officials from the region also made the trip. Thus, were present at this ceremony, the village chief, the inspector and head of the second district of basic education of Boussé, Odette Diasso, the director of the Multilingual Education Continuum of the Ministry of National Education of Literacy and of the Promotion of National Languages, Lazare Bagré, as well as the provincial director of preschool, primary and non-formal education of Kourweogo Province, Emmanuel Korbéogo.

Pedagogical ceremony in Burkina FasoAfter performing a welcome song and the national anthem of Burkina Faso, the students presented a declamation on the right to drinking water as well as the staging, in two languages, of various tales such as "How snakes acquired their venom" and "The big mouthed frog". Through the study of these tales, the students were able to get to grips with a lexicon in both languages, develop their bilingual faculties of comprehension and oral and written production, but also deepen their knowledge on topics such as diseases related to water and ways to make it drinkable. The students also presented to those present with bracelets and necklaces made in class that showed their mastery of numbers and counting.

Whether parents, village representatives or senior education officials, all were delighted with the performance given by the students of the Ritig-Koudgo school. In the words of the village chief: "These students are true allies of our culture. Thanks to the tales and other texts in Mooré that they study in class, students develop a sense of belonging to our community and become its main ambassadors for the future. This beautiful day reinforces my desire to make more parents aware of the importance of quality bilingual education for their children.”