Estudiantes del máster en BenínLast month, an online training platform was officially launched in Benin. It has been created for the MA in Bilingual, Multilingual and Intercultural Education, resulting from the partnership between Enfants du Monde and the Department of Languages, Arts and Human Sciences from the University of Abomey-Calavi. First and foremost, it has been conceived as a working place to share information among the MA students, who come from many different African countries. They must be able to easily access the platform and obtain educational content to carry out their research works and submit them. It has also been conceived as an exchange place for students, University Abomey-Calavi lecturers and Enfants du Monde education specialists.

Students can now discuss and interact together online through these technological tools. In the short term, the online platform aims to build an online continuing education programme in order to allow postgraduate students to keep on learning and building their own social network.