Enfants du Monde's education project in Burkina Faso13.09.2016 – “I’ve learned a lot about preventing diseases. I’ve shown my parents how to fill up holes in the courtyard so that water doesn’t stagnate. And I’ve explained to them that it is important to do this to stop mosquitoes from breeding”, says Alimata Compaoré, a fifteen-year-old girl in Burkina Faso, who has been attending a school supported by Enfants du Monde for three years.

Education is free there and Alimata also receives free meals in the canteen.  One of six children, her parents could not afford to send her to school. Throughout the four-year course, Alimata will receive guidance and support so that she can continue her training in a secondary school or for a profession.

In Burkina Faso as well as in other parts of the world, Enfants du Monde supports primary education projects in order to offer disadvantaged children and adolescents better prospects in life. The schools are aimed at young people who have not been able to attend an official school or who have left school before the end of their studies. In order to offer quality education, Enfants du Monde trains teachers and uses an educational approach known as Pedagogy of the Text. This approach promotes education in both the local language and the official language of the country, and the course content is both theoretical and practical and is closely linked with the daily lives of the students.

Our education project in Burkina Faso