Our health expert Nicole Curti Kanyoko was recently invited by the United Nations Office in Geneva to explain how our NGO’s work contributes to the UN Sustainable Development Goals and, in particular, to Goal 3, which is concerned with good health and well-being for all.

Nicole recalls this grim reality: around the world, 830 women continue to die from complications during pregnancy or childbirth every day. However, this is not inevitable. Medical solutions exist and the lives of thousands of mothers and babies around the world could be saved.

In this interview, our expert explains the utility of the approach to health promoted by Enfants du Monde. Our approach helps address two major problems in the field of maternal and new-born health: the lack of information in women’s health, and the problems that these women face in accessing good quality healthcare.

To find out more, watch the interview below with our health expert Nicole Curti Kanyoko: