Leonel Velásquez, regional coordinator in Guatemala01.09.2015 - It is with great sadness that Enfants du Monde announces the death of Leonel Velásquez on 20th August 2015, aged sixty, following a serious illness.

Leonel Velásquez joined Enfants du Monde in 1993, bringing a wealth of experience in community development. As regional coordinator for Central America, he made a major strategic contribution to the development of education and health programmes in both Guatemala and El Salvador which are now State-recognised and have been implemented nationally.

“We owe him a great deal, and especially have tremendous respect for his unfailing commitment and incredible passion and generosity”, emphasized Carlo Santarelli, General Secretary. “Leonel was a wonderful person in every respect, with infinite humanity.  As quite a young man he was involved in what was much more than job for him: a constant struggle, based on deep conviction, to improve the lives and the futures of the most disadvantaged people.”

Leonel Velásquez therefore dedicated his passion and skills to promoting bilingual education for Maya children and made a valuable contribution to establishing programmes to improve the health of pregnant women and new-borns. His humanity, his generosity and his contributions to technique and vision have had great impact on Enfants du Monde.

The association pays tribute to him and will express its gratitude to him by continuing his work and involvement in the programmes in Guatemala and El Salvador.

All our thoughts go out to his family and loved ones.