Beneficiaries from our mandate in education in Niger08.10.2015 - In a consortium with the Swiss organisation Swisscontact, Enfants du Monde recently won a call for tenders issued by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC). The SDC was looking for Swiss organisations with the expertise necessary to improve the education and life chances of young people in Niger.

The aim of the three-year programme is to train teachers to provide a better standard of basic education, that is, an education more relevant to the needs of children between the ages of 9 and 14, taught in their native language as well as in French, the official language of Niger. In addition, the young people will be offered training in practical skills and vocational guidance to help them find an apprenticeship or start their own business.

Specialists at Enfants du Monde and Swisscontact are working in close collaboration with the government of Niger. A total of approximately 12,000 pupils will benefit from the programme.