Reyna, a schoolgirl in guatemala
Reyna*, 7 years old, lives in the municipality of Tecpan in southern Guatemala. In this rural area, the indigenous Mayan populations are victims of profound inequalities: they are the most affected by poverty and have the least access to education. In addition, the education system is not adapted to their culture.
This is why the bilingual and intercultural education program developed by Enfants du Monde takes into account both the official language of the country and the indigenous languages, thus contributes to improving access to education. Reyna is in the first year of primary school in a school supported by Enfants du Monde. She is consequently learning to read and write in Spanish as well as in Cakchiquel, her mother tongue, one of the 21 Mayan languages of the country.
I especially like reading stories and learning to write. Later, I would like to become a doctor so that I can heal others.
By making a donation today, you enable children like Reyna to access a better quality education allowing them to contribute in the development of their community and country.
*alias in order to protect the identity of our beneficiaries