19.05.2014 - In addition to our balance sheet and operating account, Enfants du Monde’s 2013 Annual Report outlines:

- Our training programme in an interview with Burkina Faso’s Kondo Kaboré, one of the teacher educators “who makes things happen.”

- Our education programme with the example of Aurora, from Guatemala, the first girl from her village to graduate from school, and currently a university student. Later on, she hopes to become a teacher to give children the opportunity to get an education.


- Our health programme by meeting Roy Torulata, a Bangladeshi health worker dedicated to raising awareness about pregnancy and childbirth issues among pregnant women and their families.

- Our youth outreach and awareness-raising programme in Switzerland, “Une chanson pour l’éducation” and a series of concerts running through June, 2014.


We hope you enjoy the reading!

Link to the 2013 Annual Report