10.04.2014 - Naaba Sadigri, Chief of Gon village in East-Central Burkina Faso, understands the need to change the way people think regarding maternal and neonatal health in his region. He has decided to get involved in Enfants du Monde awareness campaigns. “I love my village; that’s why I fight. I wish for no more women to die whilst giving birth.”
Meetings, training and awareness sessions have been organised with the help of Naaba Sadigri. These have been in the form of theatrical plays on the subject of pregnancy, or visits by healthcare workers to families. Everyone took part in these sessions, and decided they wanted to help change the beliefs related to pregnancy.
“Don’t eat meat or eggs, or else your baby will be a thief! Don’t say that you are pregnant or else the witches will eat your baby!” Nowadays, these warnings no longer frighten the women in this region, and they no longer hide their pregnancy. Thanks to the awareness sessions, four times as many women go for prenatal check-ups in their first few months of pregnancy. More than 35,000 women and 28,000 babies benefit from Enfants du Monde’s healthcare project in Burkina Faso.
I would like to help to save mothers and their babies; therefore I’m making a donation to EdM.