photo de Pedro Choc, enseignant au Guatemala08.05.2013 - Pedro Choc has been teaching for seven years at Peña Blanca in a bilingual Q’eqchi’- Spanish Maya school. This 46 years old man has chosen to live modestly, without water or electricity, in this small village in north-east Guatemala because he is deeply committed to the teaching method used, Pedagogy of the Text. This method places great emphasis on bilingualism and multiculturalism, vital elements for Pedro:

“It is important that all Q’eqchi’s are familiar with the history and traditions of our people.  Here, the children grow up in their traditional environment, but at the same time they acquire the necessary knowledge which will help them integrate successfully in Guatemalan society.  The high rate of educational success shows that we are on the right track thanks to Pedagogy of the Text. The Guatemalan government has also acknowledged this and has adopted the Enfants du Monde model for other schools.”

More information on our education project in Guatemala
More information on Pedagogy of the Text