mandat tchad08.02.2013 - Between now and 2015, Chad is committed to ensuring universal access for children to a quality education and to halving the number of illiterate adults. In order to help them meet this challenge, the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) has chosen to entrust Enfants du Monde with a mandate to expand and diversify the educational and vocational training opportunities available.


This important mandate therefore has two main objectives: Firstly, it aims to improve the quality of primary education in community and public schools, in particular through teacher training, improving teaching conditions, expanding teaching in the local language and supporting communities and parent committees. Secondly, it includes plans to introduce innovations in literacy and rural vocational training, in particular by strengthening the capacity of local NGOs working in these areas.  This mandate is being carried out in close collaboration with the Chad Ministry of Education.

Enfants du Monde welcomes the trust shown by the SDC and looks forward to working on this ambitious programme.