professeure et écoliers au Burkina Faso02.14.2012 - The three-yearly meeting of the Association for the Development of Education in Africa (ADEA) will take place from the 12th to the 17th of February in the capital of Burkina Faso, Ouagadougou. This encounter will permit a dialogue between various actors: ministers of education, representatives of development agencies, experts in the field of education and representatives of the civil society on how to create an efficient response of the education and training systems.

Enfants du Monde has carried out an important research on its pedagogical approach, Text Pedagogy, in several countries in Africa and Latin America as its contribution to this conference. Enfants du Monde will show its film “For a quality education: the contribution of Text Pedagogy”. Through testimonies of children, parents, teachers, instructors and political decision makers of Bangladesh, Burkina Faso and Guatemala, the film presents the main principles as well as the results of the Pedagogy of Text approach which contributes to improve the quality and the relevance of education in several continents.

Text Pedagogy in brief