08.20.2012 - Maria Lidia had her first child at the age of 12. Now 60 years old, she has had many more children since then. Some have grown up and have children of their own, others sadly did not survive.
These children, and their premature deaths, are the reason why she has committed herself to this work, so that other women don’t have to suffer these losses, and so that they can also be monitored during their pregnancy and give birth with medical help.
There have been many changes, positive for the most part, during her 40 years in this profession: “Since we have been working with Enfants du Monde, there is greater awareness among young girls and there are fewer teenage pregnancies. In addition, we can provide better support for pregnant women and encourage them to give birth at health centres.”
This work is bearing fruit, as Maria Lidia tells us with a smile: “For the past three years, we have had no deaths in the region where I work.”