09.29.2010 - After the success of the play "The drift of the King" in 2009, Enfants du Monde is taking part again in the production of a musical, but this time with a school. 52 students aged 12 to 14 years from the school of Genolier are participating.
Andrew, 14, a student participant, says: "The Others is the story of a family who arrives and finds it difficult to settle into the village."

"Enfants du Monde supports this project because this type of performance enables young people to address the subject of living together with people of other cultures and realities, in a fun way", said Melissa Quadir of Enfants du Monde, who is responsible for activities for increasing public awareness in Switzerland.

The musical "The Others" will be held Friday and Saturday, October 8th and 9th 2010, at the community hall "The Gossan" in Genolier, at 8 pm.

Entrance fee: CHF 20 .- (rebate for youths and seniors)

Tickets: Secretariat of the Genolier school, Monday through Friday from 7:30 a.m. to 4:15 p.m. (closed on Wednesday afternoon): Tel. +41 22 557 54 80