05.05.2010 - Serge Chappatte, you are the new president of Enfants du Monde. Why are you getting involved on a voluntary basis?
I have received a lot in my life – rich experiences, interesting contacts, good friends. Voluntary work is the way for me to thank life and give back some of the things I have received. I have always appreciated Enfants du Monde’s involvement. Education and health are important.

You worked your whole life in the humanitarian field. Why is that?
Let’s say I worked in the world of development. After economics studies, my goal was to work towards a harmonious and social world development. First of all, I worked in trade unions, then for the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation.

The economic crisis has made the lives of the poor worse. Do you feel powerless in the face of poverty?

You feel quite helpless when you are alone, but if men of goodwill stick together, they can achieve change. They already did it in the past, and they will do it again. I’m a great optimist: One day, poverty will be defeated, as well as racism, exclusion, humiliation, etc.

What character would you like to meet?

Nicolas Hayek from Swatch because I like his vision, his involvement and his optimism.
Simon Ammann for his contagious joie de vivre.
Francis Cabrel because I like his songs.