09.13.2010 - The Cape Verde Ministry of Education, supported by the UNESCO and the Association for the Development of Education in Africa (regrouping the Ministers of Education of all African countries as well as the main development cooperation agencies), is organizing an educational conference from 12 to 19 September 2010 in Cape Verde. Invited speakers are education experts, among them Antonio Faundez from Enfants du Monde.
The conference is to tackle education and citizen challenges in Africa by confronting the ideas and initiatives of Paulo Freire and Amilcar Cabral.
Paulo Freire was a Brasilian educationalist (1921-1997), mostly known for his efforts to alphabetize adults from poor backgrounds. For him, alphabetization is a way of fighting oppression. As for Amilcar Cabral, he was an African politician (1924-1973) who fought for the independence of the Portuguese colonies and regarded education as a means of liberation.
Enfants du Monde supports educational programs for underpriviliedged children as well as training courses for teachers. At the same time, the association focuses on giving more pertinence to cooperation policies in the North and in the South. In 2009, more than 13,000 children and teenagers benefited from Enfants du Monde’s educational programs.