01.19.2010 - On Thursday 21 January 2010, Swiss Solidarity is organizing a national collection day for victims of the devastating earthquake in Haiti.
The appeal is being launched in close cooperation with 16 of our partner-organization, amongst others Enfants du Monde. These organizations have already been operating in Haiti for a number of years.
During the National Collection Day in Switzerland on Thursday 21 January 2010, donations may be made from 06.00 hrs to midnight by calling (from within Switzerland) freephone 0800 87 07 07.
Online donation are also welcome at all times. Swiss Solidarity payment slips are available from the counters of all Post Offices throughout Switzerland (accont 10-15000-6 / mentioning "Haiti").
Additionally, donations can be made via SMS – send message with the «Haiti» (amount) to number 363. For example: Haiti 50 to 363